* Got 4 business credit cards, two with $25,000 credit lines and two with $50,000 credit lines (totaling $150,000)
* Got 3 business lines of credit, one for $10,000, one for $25,000, and one for $75,000 (totaling $110,000)
* Bought a Lexus LX600 (worth $108,000)
* Bought a 62-unit apartment building (total purchase price: $4.2 million) which now gives me a $28,000 monthly cash flow
* Bought 8 Airbnb condos on the beach (total purchase price: $4.32 million) which now gives me a $19,000 monthly cash flow
* Bought an automated car wash (total purchase price: $1.48 million) which now gives me a $34,000 monthly cash flow